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Humic elements How can humic acid replace nitrogen fertiliser? HuminexpertHumic substances

How can humic acid replace nitrogen fertiliser?

Let's go back to the roots! :) Literally and a little figuratively. There are preparations that can replace many nutritional needs, while we have known for centuries about the beneficial effects of the root system. We just tend to forget the systems that worked in the past, and we dare not assume that they can be more effective than modern chemicals. Increasing the humus content of soil, restoring natural soil life with humic acid-based soil conditioners such as Huminexpert, can by itself replace nitrogen fertilisers.
Novekvo palantak HuminexpertHumic substances

The beneficial effects of Humic Acid on plants

Humic acids are directly involved as catalysts in the processes of cellular respiration in plants, i.e. they accelerate it. They thus induce the release of more energy in the cells, which has a general effect on the whole plant's metabolism. The excellent nutrient supply and the increased green mass improve the plant's vitality, its drought and stress tolerance and its resistance to many pathogens. They also contribute to the development of a dense, highly consolidated root system, which, in addition to increasing the number of metabolic channels, ensures plant stability.
Mutragya What to expect in the fertiliser market? Huminexpert fertilizerAgriculture

What can be expected in the fertiliser market?

In the short and medium term, two trends seem to be certain in today's artificial grass market: Increasing prices and steadily decreasing supply, i.e. increasing scarcity. New production technologies should be developed to rationalise or minimise fertiliser use while maintaining good or even better yields.
Novelty in the desert HuminexpertHumic substances

Humic acid is also a great help in droughts

The recent increase in the frequency and severity of extreme and often damaging weather events may increasingly jeopardise the effectiveness of production. In some areas, there are extreme drought conditions (as is unfortunately becoming more frequent and almost inevitable in the eastern regions of the Hungarian Great Plain), and in others, large amounts of rainfall in a short period of time, possibly combined with hail. To some extent, plants can be prepared for these adverse environmental stresses and their effects can be mitigated. Such stress tolerance treatments are based on the use of soil conditioners based on humic and fulvic acid. Humic acids ...
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