The important role of humic substances, including humic acid and fulvic acids, is described in numerous textbooks, school books and studies. Without humus, the soil is considered infertile, whereas with 3-4% humus, the soil is considered to be highly fertile, since the decomposition of humus ensures, among other things, a continuous supply of nitrogen to the plants. The amount of humus material is constantly reduced during soil use, which reduces its nitrogen supply capacity and thus the environmental buffering effect of the soil. Unfortunately, in European areas, the humus content of soils is usually barely 1%, which is far from sufficient, even though the positive effects of humic acids and humic substances have been known for decades in agriculture.
If you want to learn more about the formation and chemistry of humic substances, we recommend article of Dr. Barnabás Hella In the agricultural sector .
Humic acid is the conductor of soil life
The most important element of soil quality maintenance and soil formation is the intake of organic substances such as humic acids, fulvic acids, which have the greatest influence on soil fertility. Nitrogen, for example, is incorporated at a rate of 1/10th of the soil carbon content. Increasing the carbon content through humic substances can improve nitrogen uptake, which in itself can be a major boost to soil life. However with the continued use of humic acids, fertiliser rates can be significantly reduced due to significantly improved nitrogen uptake, or can even be omitted.
Through the 100% organic formulation, humic acid products are fully integrated into the environment without any harmful effects. They ensure a balance between the different elements of the ecosystem, mobilising the macro and micro elements that are bound in the soil, always providing the right proportion and sufficient quantities of nutrients for the plant.
They can have a significant impact on plant nutrition and soil life by forming moderately strong bonds with important plant nutrients that allow the nutrients to be readily taken up by the plants. At the same time, they form strong complexes with toxic metals that plants cannot break down, making them inaccessible to plants from the soil.
Humic acids are directly involved as catalysts in the processes of cellular respiration in plants, i.e. they accelerate it. They thus induce the release of more energy in the cells, which has a general effect on the whole plant's metabolism. The excellent nutrient supply and the increased green mass improve the plant's vitality, its drought and stress tolerance and its resistance to many pathogens. They also contribute to the development of a dense, highly consolidated root system, which, in addition to increasing the number of metabolic channels, ensures plant stability.
The degradation process of humic acids is rather slow, due to their very long carbon chains, which are intertwined and therefore have a long-lasting effect. Due to their high pH, they improve the pH of acidic soils by default. The ion exchange capacity and redox capacity of humic acid allows it to handle extreme acidic and alkaline conditions, thus neutralising soil pH even in extreme chemistry. Thanks to its high humic acid content, it improves soil structure and stimulates root formation, thus helping the initial development and continued vitality of plants.
We can say that with a good quality soil conditioner with a high humic acid content, our plants will be healthier, we can provide them with the right environment to grow, and fertiliser rates can be reduced or even eliminated. We can develop a new sustainable agricultural technology that is not only environmentally friendly but also more efficient.
Take care of the soil structure, health and vitality of your plants in a sustainable way. Look for Huminexpert's high quality, perfectly water soluble humic acid products!
„Huminexpert - reviving the original power of the earth„.